Monday, April 02, 2007

Passing Through Nicaragua

Here's a picture of the van parked in front of Isla Ometepe in the middle of Lago Nicaragua. And, yes, there are two volcanoes on the island.

1 comment:

stwedt2002 said...

Hi Kirsten,
Just got through looking at your pictures. They are great. It looks like you and Brandon have really seem some interesting things. Glad that you didn't lose any of your pictures. Read all your blogs and what a trip.........
Took your mom to lunch yesterday and we had a good day. Alicia, Landon, and Charles went to lunch with us also. Landon slept almost the whole time. It was fun seeing Landon because I hadn't seen him since he was in the hospital. My, how he has grown. Such a cute baby and smart........Alicia agrees with me!!........You will love seeing him when you get home. I don't think Alicia is very anxious to go back to work. She is enjoying Landon too much...........
Kristen and the girls and coming tomorrow and Jeff will be coming on Friday. They will stay until Monday, so there will be a lot of activity around here. Garrrick is taking Madison and McKenna to an Angel ballgame. This will be their first time. I hope they enjoy it. Meagan, Paul and I will find things to do like go to the park. Meagan will be four the 14th of April. Madison will be 12 the 11th of April and McKenna was nine in February. Can you believe how big they are getting. I remember when you were that little. How time does fly..........
Have a great Easter and fun the rest of your trip. I try and keep up on your activities through your mom.......Tell Brandon hi.

Love, Sharon