Monday, February 19, 2007

Almost half way there!

Hey Guys!

Sorry we've been off the radar for a while. Found ourselves dealing with car problems in Guatemala and El Salvador (six different mechanic shops until one finally figured out the problem). Now, we're on the road to Panama...we decided it would be easier to budget our time if we were just heading north, rather than trying to account for a turn around. Four boarder crossings in three (long) days including all the fun of run-ins with corrupt cops, dealing with huslters, crappy pot hole ridden roads, crappy dirt roads, etc. Right now, we're in San Jose, Costa Rica. Just about to head down to la fronterra de Panama (the boarder).

There's lots more to our last month than driving. We promise to post tons of pictures and fill you in on the details when we get to a place where we can settle in for a couple days.

1 comment:

Katie Meyer said...

Hi Guys:) Glad to see you posted info of your wereabouts... was starting to worry! Cant wait to see pics and hear about the adventures in the past month or so!!!
love ya