Sunday, April 27, 2008

Playa Blanca...Does it get any sweeter?

After spending the majority of this trip in and around the mountains, we arrived to Venezuela and Columbia dreaming of beautiful Caribbean beaches. We got lucky with Venezuela in Morocoy and were hoping that Columbia would be able to compete. Tayrona was beautiful, but we thought we would press our luck and look for a tropical beach near Cartagena.

We found it!!

We spent a day talking with the tour office and haggling with boat operators trying to figure out the best way to get to Playa Blanca on Isla Baru from Cartagena. In the end, we boarded a tour boat that sailed through Islas del Rosario and made an afternoon stop in Playa Blanca. Given our negative experience at La Boquilla, we wanted to have a way out if we found the place to be completely dodgy.

Luckily, plan B was completely unnecessary...Playa Blanca was absolutely what we had been looking for! Crystal clear water and a long white sand beach bordered by shady palm trees. All of this tropical beauty was topped off with palm huts to hang our sleeping bags aka hammocks. We were even more pumped when we found a place that let us tie our hammocks up and gave us a place to store our bags just as long as we ate our meals at their restaurant (surprisingly at a super reasonable price).

We settled into a daily routine ultra-fast. Wake up when it starts to get too hot to sleep, breakfast, swimsuit and sunblock up, walk the distance of the beach, settle into our books in the shade during the really hot part of the day, one last swim (otherwise known as a shower) before the sun got too low, sunset beers, dinner, back to the hammock.

We ended up spending 5 days on the island and would have spent more had we come prepared with more money, clothes, and most importantly shampoo and conditioner. Probably best we ran out of money or we might have scratched Medellin and Bogota.

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